Fuel Our Fire With Your Funds!

KIFFIX is currently funded by the founding team, and is actively fundraising to support growth and product development.
For UK tax payers, we are fundraising under the HMRC SEIS and EIS schemes.

ReachX is our UK corporate finance partner.
More information about our current raise is available on their fundraising platform.

Alternatively, drop us a note, using the form below, and one of the team will come back to you.
We'll automatically add you to our investor list, and keep you up to date with growth at KIFFIX.

Joining the Journey?

KIFFIX is currently funded by members of the founding team, and will be fundraising to support growth and product development.

For UK tax payers, we are applying for Advanced Assurance to fundraise under the HMRC SEIS and EIS schemes, expected in Q2 2024.

Drop us a note, using the form below, and one of the team will come back to you.
We'll automatically add you to our investor list, and keep you up to date with growth at KIFFIX.

Send Message

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